Sasanka of Gauda
Shashanka was the first independent king of Bengal. Under the leadership of Shashanka, a powerful state was created in Gauda. His capital was Karnasubarna in Murshidabad district. empire of Shashanka was stay of vast areas of North and West Bengal. Shashanka conquered various empires. From Medinipur inscription it is known that Shashank conquered Dandabhukti, Utkal. Dandabhukti meaning Datan of Medinipur district. Utkal meaning place of Balasore. Kangod meaning Ganjam district of Odisha district. All these places were ruled by feudal kings under Shashanka. Perhaps Mahapratihara Shubhkirti ruled in Dandabhukti, Somdatt ruled in Utkal, second Madhab ruled in Kongad, they ruled as feudal lords of Shashanka. King second Madhavaraja of the Sailodbhava dynasty recognized Sashanka as his overlord.
Shashanka created a powerful empire with almost all the provinces of Bengal, some parts of Bihar and Orissa. After that enemy country of Gaur was Kannauj attacked by Shashanka. At this time Kanauj was ruled by King Grahavarman of Maukhari dynasty. The kings of Maukhari dynasty repeatedly invaded Bengal. Before Shashanka's rule of state.
During this time Shashanka and Malava King Devagupta became friends. On the other hand, Grahavarman married Rajyashree, daughter of King Prabhakar Vardhan of Pushyabhuti clan of Thaneswar. As a result, relationship developed between the two dynasties. This was followed by a war between the two alliances.
Shashank was a worshiper of Shiva. Many historical believe that he was opposed to Buddhism. According to Hiuen Tsang's account, Shashanka cut down the sacred Bodhi-Brikha at Buddha Gaya. He also destroyed various sacred places and sacred symbols of Buddhism. Expelled the Buddhist monks from the city of Kushinagar. Many historians believe that Shashanka did no harm to Buddhism. Buddhism spread in Bengal during his time.
After Shashanka's death, his son Manavdev sat on the throne of Bengal(Gaur). But his reign lasted only 8 months and 5 days only.
Q1 Where was the capital of Sasanka of Gauda?ANS:-Karnasuvarna
Q2 Which king was alliance with Sasanka of Gauda?ANS:-Devgupta
Q3 Which historical king was defeated by Sasanka of Gauda?ANS:-Rajbardhan
Q4 Approximately of the death of Sasanka of Gauda.ANS:-637
Q5 Whose worshipper was Sasanka of Gauda?ANS:-Karnasuvarna